There is so much to say about the election results, but I will reserve this for another time (and on more issue-specific angles), especially with already so many commentaries on this matter from, well, everywhere. But in general, I believe the election result is both a very good thing and a generation-defining step for the nation. Sure we might be in uncharted waters now, almost as though we have just woken up from decades of slumber. A bit unnerving I guess. But to paraphrase a popular pop-culture quote; it is not uncertainties that we are facing now, but opportunities.
Just want to opine briefly on two matters. Firstly, all this talk on asking the Prime Minister and party leaders to step down is, in my earnest opinion, unwarranted and is motivated by political expediency rather than to make a case for accountability. In all honesty, I think the Prime Minister handled the election outcome with respectable civility. But the most immediate issue is not whether he should be made politically accountable pronto, but to ensure a stable transition to new socio-economic and institutional structures that are made necessary from this positive political shockwave. As far as I could observe, everything is mostly moving in the right direction, with some hiccups. I am not saying that Pak Lah should remain as the Prime Minister; it is just my opinion that this is the wrong priority immediately after the election.
Secondly, the new Cabinet line-up; too little, too late is the general feeling I get from most commentators. Some are glad of having Zaid Ibrahim and other respectable names; others are dismayed by the rest of the same old and the infamous. But the thing is, we should not be too beholden by the personalities in the Cabinet. This is the beauty of a stronger opposition, the political competition, that we so badly needed. If the opposition gets it done fast and form a shadow Cabinet (15 April?), every minister will have pressure to perform. If a minister is not performing, it is the onus of the shadow minister to point it out and provide a case, and for us, the public to judge. This is like the case of firm competition I pointed out some time ago. With a monopoly, consumers suffer the most. But with competition (in this case, Bertrand?), exploitation of firms are in check and consumers are sovereign.
For me, this is the most important outcome of the 8 March 2008: we no longer have to solely rely on the beneficence of our leaders; we can now depend on the institution of political competition. And the onus is on us to ensure the competition is here to stay.